The Appointments module in PracHQ allows you to manage appointments by scheduling appointments for each practitioner.
View Appointments Calendar
Appointments calendar displays all appointments of all practitioners. By default current work week is selected. Appointments calendar has the following features:
Next & Previous Buttons
Click the next > button. Next Week/Month or Day is selected depending on what option is selected for calendar and appointments of Next Week/Month or Day of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar.
Click the previous < button. Previous Week/Month or Day is selected depending on what option is selected for calendar and appointments of Previous Week/Month or Day of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar.
Choosing Date/Month from Calendar
Click on the selected Week/Month or Day dropdown menu, depending on what option is selected for calendar, and select a date/month.The week/Month or Day related to that selection is selected and appointments of that week/Month or Day of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar.
Appointments for the Month
Click Month. Appointments for current month of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar. You can navigate through different months by using the previous < and next > keys.
Appointments for the Day
Click Day. Appointments for current day of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar. You can navigate through different months by using the previous < and next > keys.
Appointments for Today
Click Today. Appointments for Today of all practitioners are displayed on the calendar. You can navigate through different months by using the previous < and next > keys.
Show/Hide Practitioners
Click Practitioners.
A pop up window opens displaying the Show/Hide practitioners checkboxes.
Select the practitioners checkboxes that you want to show and deselect the practitioners checkboxes that you want to hide and click on Save Selection.
The selection is saved and user is navigated back to the appointments calendar. The selected practitioners appointments are displayed on the calendar and the deselected practitioners are hidden.
View an Appointment
To view an appointment, on the Appointments Calendar page click on an appointment that you want to view.
2. A pop up window appears showing the Name, Date and time of appointment and also the patient's name. Edit, Delete and Close buttons are also displayed on the window.
3. Click the close X button to close the pop up.
Book an Appointment
To book an appointment, on the Appointments Calendar click on the Practitioner's Date and Time slot for which you want to book the appointment.
2. New Appointment window pops up showing the fields to fill which are required to book an appointment. From and To fields are already filled with the chosen date and time.
4. Appointment is booked for the selected Patient with the Practitioner at the chosen date and time. New Appointment window is closed and user is navigated back to the Appointments Calendar. If its a paid appointment an activated payment order is created for the patient.
6. User is navigated to the Payment Order page.
Edit an Appointment
To edit an appointment, on Appointments Calendar page click on an appointment that you want to edit.
2. A pop up window appears showing the Name, Date and time of appointment and also the patient's name. Edit, Delete and Close buttons are also displayed on the window.
4. Appointment Detail window is opened in Edit mode.
6. Changes are saved to the appointment and user is navigated back to the Appointments page.
Delete an Appointment using View appointment page
To delete the appointment using view appointment page, on Appointments Calendar page click on an appointment that you want to delete.
2. A pop up window appears showing the Name, Date and time of appointment and also the patient's name. Edit, Delete and Close buttons are also displayed on the window.
4. A pop up window appears confirming the delete action.
6. The appointment is deleted and user is navigated back to the Appointments Calendar page and 'Appointment successfully deleted' message appears in toast.
Delete an Appointment using Edit appointment page
To delete the appointment using delete appointment page, on Appointments Calendar page click on an appointment that you want to delete.
2. A pop up window appears showing the Name, Date and time of appointment and also the patient's name. Edit, Delete and Close buttons are also displayed on the window.
3. Appointment Detail window is opened in Edit mode.
5. A pop up window appears confirming the delete action.
6. The appointment is deleted and user is navigated back to the Appointments Calendar page and 'Appointment successfully deleted' message appears in toast.
Last updated