
PracHQ Dashboards

The Dashboards is the first page that is displayed to you post-authentication. Dashboards has the following tabs.

  • Appointments

  • Quotations

  • Orders

Appointments Dashboard

Appointments Dashboard displays the following components:

Booked Appointments for Month

  1. This section displays a line chart of the Appointments with the current month selected.

  2. Click on any other month tab.

  3. That month's appointments are displayed for each day.

  4. Hover over the days mark on the chart.

  5. Date and number of bookings for that day should be displayed.

Appointments for Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow

  1. By default Today is selected on Confirmed Appointments component. Today's Confirmed appointment are displayed. Also if there are any cancelled appointments for the day that should show in front of Cancelled:

2. Select Yesterday on Confirmed Appointments component.

3. Yesterday's Confirmed appointment are displayed. Also if there are any cancelled appointments for the day that should show in front of Cancelled:

4. Select Tomorrow on Confirmed Appointments component.

5. Tomorrow's Confirmed appointment are displayed. Also if there are any cancelled appointments for the day that should show in front of Cancelled:

7. The component toggles and shows the description of the component.

Completed this month Appointments

  1. The component displays the Completed this Month Appointments which have the status Finished. Also if there are any cancelled appointments for the current month that should show in front of Cancelled:

3. The component toggles and shows the description of the component.

Confirmed Upcoming this Month Appointments

  1. The component displays the Confirmed Upcoming this Month Appointments. Also if there are any not confirmed appointments for the current month that should show in front of Not Confirmed:

3. The component toggles and shows the description of the component.

  1. The component displays the Paid this Month Appointments. Also if there are any unpaid appointments for the current month that should show in front of Not Paid:

3. The component toggles and shows the description of the component.

Appointments for current month tab

  1. Click on Appointments for Month of (Current Month) Tab.

  2. List of Appointments for Month of (Current Month) for the practitioners is displayed. Columns include

    • Practitioner

    • Status

    • Total

Patient birthdays in current month tab

  1. Click on Patient's Birthdays for Month of (Current Month) Tab.

  2. List of Patient's Birthdays for Month of (Current Month) is displayed.Columns include

    • Name

    • Birthday

    • Email

    • Mobile

Quotations Dashboard

Quotations Dashboard displays the following components:

Quotation distribution for current month

  1. The component displays a pie chart of the Quotations categorised by Quote Items for the current month.

  2. Hover over the different categories on the chart.

3. Category name and number of related quotations should be displayed.

Quotations for Today/Yesterday/This Week/This Month

  1. This component displays estimate of quotations with the following 6 statuses:

    • Draft

    • In Review

    • Approved Internally

    • Sent to patient

    • Accepted by patient

    • Denied by patient

    • Booked

  2. This component is based upon the following filters :

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This Week

    • This Month

By Default This Week is selected.

2. Select Today from the filter.

3. Today's Quotations are displayed.

4. Select Yesterday from the filter.

5. Yesterday's Quotations are displayed.

6. Select This Month from the filter.

7. This Month's Quotations are displayed.

Quotation distribution details for current month

This component displays tabular representation of quotations for current month with following columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Surgery

  • Category

  • Count

  • Amount

Orders Dashboard

Orders Dashboard displays the following components:

Order distribution for current month

  1. The component displays a pie chart of the Orders categorised by Order Items for the current month.

  2. Hover over the different categories on the chart.

3. Category name and number of related orders should be displayed.

Orders for Today/Yesterday/This Week/This Month

  1. This component displays estimate of orders with the following statuses:

    • Draft

    • Activated

  2. This component is based upon the following filters :

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This Week

    • This Month

By Default This Week is selected.

2. Select Today from the filter.

3. Today's Orders are displayed.

4. Select Yesterday from the filter.

5. Yesterday's Orders are displayed.

6. Select This Month from the filter.

7. This Month's Orders are displayed.

Orders distribution details for current month

This component displays tabular representation of orders for current month with following columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Surgery

  • Category

  • Count

  • Amount

Last updated