Managing User Account
Managing User Account with PracHQ
There are many configuration options available to users once logged into the system. You can view/modify your profile by clicking on your name in the top right section of the navigation menu and selecting My Profile.
User Profile
'User Profile' section allows you to view/edit your Nickname and Timezone.
Edit User Profile
2. User Profile section is changed to edit mode.
4. User Profile details are updated and User Profile section is changed back to no edit mode.
'Security' section allows you to change your user account password.
Change Password
2. Security section is changed to edit mode.
4. System should update the password for the user and Security section is changed back to no edit mode.
User Information
'User Information' section gives an overview of your credentials such as First Name, Last Name, Address, Department etc.
Edit User Information
2. User Information section is changed to edit mode.
4. User Information details are updated and User Information section is changed back to no edit mode.
Calendar Settings
'Calendar Settings' section gives an overview of your working days and working hours.
Edit Calendar Settings
2. Calendar Settings section is changed to edit mode.
4. Calendar Settings details are updated and Calendar Settings section is changed back to no edit mode.
Change Profile Photo
2. A pop up window opens to select the file to be uploaded.
3. Choose a file and click Open button.
4. The photo is set as the new profile photo for the user.
In this chapter, we covered managing a user account. This allows you to manage your profile, reset password, modify user information and more.
In the next chapter, we will cover the Interface. The Interface is an integral part of PracHQ. With the knowledge of your Interface, you can progress to learning more about PracHQ functionality and processes.
Last updated