The Contacts module in PracHQ lists the clinic contacts.
Contacts module has the following features:
Search Contact
To search for contact, click on Search text box and enter search text.
3. Contact/s that match the search criteria are listed in the Contacts list.
View Contact
To view a contact click on the contact row from the contacts list that you want to view.
2. User is navigated to the contact detail page.
Add Contact
2. New Contact window pops out.
4. Contact is successfully added to the Contacts list and user is navigated back to the Contacts page. Contact has been saved successfully' message appears in toast.
Edit Contact
To edit a contact click on the contact row from the contacts list that you want to edit.
2. User is navigated to the edit contact page.
4. Contact is edited and user is navigated back to the contacts page. 'Contacts has been saved successfully' message appears in toast.
Delete Contact using Edit Contact page
To delete a contact using Edit contact page, click on the contact row from the contacts list that you want to delete.
2. User is navigated to the edit contact page.
4. A pop up window appears confirming the delete action.
6. The contact is deleted from contacts list and user is navigated back to contacts list page. 'Contacts has been deleted successfully' message appears in toast.
Delete Single Contact from Contacts list
2. A menu pops out showing Remove option. Click Remove.
3. A pop up window appears confirming the delete action.
5. The contact is deleted from contacts list and 'Contact has been deleted successfully' message appears in toast.
Delete Multiple Contacts
2. A pop up window appears confirming the delete action.
4. The selected contact/s is deleted from contacts list and 'Contacts has been deleted successfully' message appears in toast.
Last updated