The Payments module in PracHQ lists the payments made by all the patients for their orders.
Payments module has the following features:
Payments List
Payments list is a list view of Payments module. Payments list has following features:
First/Previous/Next and Last buttons
You can navigate through the payments list by using the First/Previous/ Next and Last buttons at the bottom right of the list.
Items per page
You can select number of payments to be displayed per page by clicking on the Items per page drop down and selecting a number. By default 10 is selected.
Sorting Payments list by columns
Payments list can be sorted by the following columns:
2. Click on any column header to sort the list according to the column. For e.g. Transaction #.
3. Payments list is sorted in either ascending on descending order based on Transaction#.
Search Payment
To search for payment, click on Search text box and enter transaction# or patient name.
3. Payment/s that match the search criteria are listed in the payments list.
View Payment
To view a payment, click on Transaction# of the payment from the payments list that you want to view.
2. User is navigated to the payment related order detail page under Patient. Payment details are listed under Payment.
Add Payment
For Add payment detail please refer to Add Payment to Order.
Edit Payment
Activated order payment cannot be edited. Only payment for order with Draft status can be edited. To edit a payment, click on Transaction# from the payments list that you want to edit.
2. User is navigated to the payment related order detail page under Patient. Payment details are listed under Payment.
4. Payment detail window pops out.
6. Payment is edited and user is navigated back to the payment related order detail page under Patient in no edit mode.
Last updated