Past Visits
Past Visits
Past Visits section lists all the patient's past visits to the practitioners. Past Visits section has the following features:
Past Visits List
Past Visits list is a list view of Patient's Past visits. Past Visits list has following features:
First/Previous/Next and Last buttons
You can navigate through the past visits list by using the First/Previous/ Next and Last buttons at the bottom right of the list.
Items per page
You can select number of past visits to be displayed per page by clicking on the Items per page drop down and selecting a number. By default 5 is selected.
Sorting Past Visits list with columns
Past Visits list can be sorted by the following columns:
Visit Type
2. Click on any column header to sort the list according to the column. For e.g. Date.
3. Past Visits list is sorted in either ascending on descending order based on date.
View Past Visit
To view a past visit, click anywhere on the past visit entry in the list.
2. User is navigated to the Past Visit details page with Past Visits Details tab as default.
3. Click Record History tab to view record history details.
Edit Past Visit
To edit a past visit, click anywhere on the past visit entry in the list.
2. User is navigated to the Past Visit detail page.
4. Past Visit detail page is changed to edit mode. Visit Date/Time is not editable as it cant be updated for past visit. If you hover over Visit Date/Time you see the notification.
6. Past Visit details are updated and Past Visit detail page is changed back to no edit mode.
Last updated